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Consent form-
Grooming Consent will need to be signed when attending Sudzwoofer.
Any information about your dog will be kept in privacy and will Not be shared with any 3rd party.
Please disclose any health concerns including any skin tags.

Consent form can be filled in *Here*

If your dog has fleas your dog will be given a flea treatment at an extra cost of $10.00

Matted & knotted coats-
Major de-matting can be uncomfortable & painful for dogs & can irritate the skin.
Every attempt will be made to accommodate the groom you would like but if the dog is too matted we will need to clip off the dog to prevent any pain or discomfort. We will call you before clip off to obtain permission.
To avoid major De-matting or clip offs, please bring in your dog every 4 - 6 weeks.
We sell slicker brushes to help keep knots out of coats in-between grooms.

Aggressive behaviour–
We reserve the right not to groom or to cease grooming a dog at any time due to aggressive behaviour. Charges may still apply for grooming/time spent with the dog.

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