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Trained at The Grooming School
Cert 2 in Animal Studies at Taronga Zoo Training Institute

Always having a passion and love for animals, I decided to switch my career from people to pets. I can say with all my heart there is nothing more I love, than working with pups all day!
I am proud to have open my own grooming salon in my home. Allowing only 1 dog at a time, to ensure dedication and 100 percent attention and affection to your pup. No wait times, No crates, your dog will never be unattended or have another dog take up your pups precious spa time!

Trained at the world renowned Taronga Zoo Training Institute in animal care & through The The Grooming School with International Judge, Groomer and Grooming Ambassador, Christine Speerin.
Asian Fusion training with Pru Hammond

Taronga Zoo training institute was an amazing and rare experience.
Working with all animals on location, from aquatic to land.
First aid, animal handling, caring for and feeding animals were just a few things I was able to experience. I learnt so much I could never have learnt outside of the zoo.

Training at the groom school with Christine, I have learnt her many trade secrets, and learnt so much from her decades of grooming and international judging. I have had experiences to cherish for life. Preparing dogs for the new Pooch Perfect TV Show on Channel 7, and making life long friends while doing it all.

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Sudzwoofer Grooming Is located in Cromer NSW 2099.

Bookings essential - Phone: 0434 533 504

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